Security Consultancy Services

Artus Group provides a range of security consultancy services to suit specific sites, policy or procedural requirements for businesses or organisations looking to minimise security risks, comply with regulatory compliance and or mitigate health and safety concerns.

Case studies:

Alcohol management – Artus Group was approached to assist a client in relation to applying for a special licence to sell and supply alcohol for a fashion show event that was being organised by a fashion label. The venue chosen was a private address and its surrounding property were a marquee would be erected as the venue for both the fashion show, food and alcohol consumption.

Artus Group assisted with creating the alcohol management plan (AMP) detailing the safest designated areas for alcohol to be sold and consumed within the marquee area.

The client was supported on the night by Artus Group safety event personnel to ensure a safe and secure presence, as invited guests enjoyed the show and their evening safely.

Receptionist training – Recently Artus Group offered training sessions to reception staff working for an energy provider as a first point of contact for a visitors and members of the public who visit head office in person seeking assistance with customer service issues.

Artus Group worked with the reception team providing information on methods, using the body language and behaviour of persons to identify potential risks to personal safety with the ability to keep the situation calm and controlled.