The Importance of Engagement, Interaction and Communication.

One of the core roles of security personnel is to engage, interact and communicate with staff, visitors and members of the public in relation to information and or directives. Artus Group’s focus is to ensure our security personnel are noted as being present via verbal engagement, interaction and communication providing information and directives to staff, visitors and members of the public. A simple good morning, an acknowledgement and interaction between security personnel, staff, visitors and …

The importance of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) as a guide to understand the security role and how to undertake specific tasks and duties.

The security industry and its roles are varied in terms of requiring different skill sets, the specific duties involved, an understanding of legal compliance to manage any and all situations and scenarios. Standard operating procedures are a written document guide often created in a hard copy form or commonly today accessible via a computer or smart device, and a PDF document to allow security personnel to have access to the document as a reference when …