Safety and Security Personnel
Artus Group safety and security personnel provide a safe presence ensuring the safety and security of property, staff, customers and the public, creating a safe work, visitor or public environment.
As a first step in planning Artus Group conducts an onsite duties assessment ensuring written standard operating procedures (SOPS) and deployment operational plans are created pre-deployment allowing safety and security personnel to understand their role and duties to ensure a safe presence and environment.
What we can offer
Safety and security personnel provide a presence to detect, identify, assess and deter any security or safety risks or concerns. Personnel understand the importance of communication and interaction while carrying out duties. The ability to engage with staff, visitors or the public provides a safe feeling, presence and assurance. Safety and security personnel can provide 24/7 security coverage or be present to detect, identify and deter. This includes - providing personnel at entry points to sites for staff, visitor or vehicle access, conducting site patrols securing and protecting onsite assets as building or property sites.

Sometimes thinking of what’s around you and what to be aware of is the last thing on people’s minds. A safe environment is one where the risk of harm is minimised and people feel safe and secure. Harm relates not only to dangers in the physical environment, such as buildings, architecture, construction, public spaces and facilities, but also refers to harm or threats from other entities such as criminal activity, property damage, safety concerns or physical harm.

Preventing unauthorised access, protecting property, securing a site, providing security for site-based assets, ensuring the safety of staff, visitors or the public. Safety and security personnel can visually monitor site activity in real time while in the field or via the use of site-based tools as CCTV systems or access control systems to identify and assess a potential security breach, criminal activity, property damage or to assist staff, visitors or the public when required.
Role and Duties
Artus Group safety and security personnel can cover a multitude of roles and duties to ensure the safety and security of property, staff, customers and the public, creating a safe work, visitor or public environment including: