A Different Approach and Presence – Artus Group Event Security Personnel.

Foundation Artus Groups foundation is to ensure guests are provided with a safe and secure environment while undertaking event security services. We ensure guests are welcomed in a friendly and inviting manner monitoring persons and activity allowing for all to enjoy the celebration, social occasion or event. With a focus on assisting clients with alcohol management via observing and monitoring activity through a different set of eyes, allows Artus group event security personnel to offer …

Tips to ensure you remain safe while enjoying your staff Christmas party or socialising at a bar or nightclub during the Christmas festive season.

Staff Christmas parties or socialising at bars and nightclubs during the festive season give people a chance to get together, socialise and have fun. Where alcohol and other drugs come into the mix, risky behaviour becomes more likely. This means things like:  Drinking too much alcohol (sometimes called binge drinking)  Consumption of illegal substances (drugs)  Wanting to drive after drinking  Embarrassing oneself Plan ahead to party safely If you’re going partying, …

Artus Group Concierge and Reception Desk Personnel.

The role of concierge/reception desk personnel requires skill sets comprising of reception-based skills and security knowledge as a first point of contact presence to meet and greet staff and visitors in a building or office environment. Concierge/reception desk personnel are a first point of contact presence upon staff and visitor arrival, managing potential safety and security situations as unauthorised access to ensuring the safety of staff and visitors on site. Artus Group ensures concierge/reception desk …

Better knowledge And Education Is Required – The Act, Security Providers and Security Personnel Operate Under

Recently Artus Group founder Elton Rangi, was quoted in the New Zealand Herald, in relation to invasive personal contact searches, security personnel were conducting, on students entering a school ball event. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12248355&fbclid=IwAR1Hr7dOdvJ6jfD5Fm550ZYgIQWHKsiyWdz-VmwJcRo9AMXTWoDU0WI4HZU It’s important that security personnel understand, conducting an invasive search in this manner is not recommended. Security guards have no more powers than any other normal person. It’s common, that security guards working in the areas of loss prevention or providing a presence …

The importance of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) as a guide to understand the security role and how to undertake specific tasks and duties.

The security industry and its roles are varied in terms of requiring different skill sets, the specific duties involved, an understanding of legal compliance to manage any and all situations and scenarios. Standard operating procedures are a written document guide often created in a hard copy form or commonly today accessible via a computer or smart device, and a PDF document to allow security personnel to have access to the document as a reference when …